
Today was a long day.

ASL this morning. Went rather well except for a fidgety 5yr old who couldn’t stay still.

After that, I dropped off S at WHHS, went to a friend’s house and was supposed to watch Gone with the Wind but about halfway through the power cut off and we couldn’t finish watching it. She also straightened my hair and did my make-up. Today was a girly-girl day.

After picking up S, we went home, made a HUGE pot of spaghetti bowties for dinner and headed out to the Crew meeting.

Came home, cleaned the kitchen, and did some laundry and now I am going to sleep. Night!


The last two days have been rather boring and dull. I haven’t really done anything worth mentioning except for starting to read “A Tale of Two Cities” by Charles Dickens. I do have to say that I never, ever, ever wanna hear anyone tell me that my sentences can ramble or be long and excessive or be too descriptive when the first paragraph in this book is one sentence! I am not kidding!! It’s a good book so far. Tomorrow is gonna be busy and fun so night y’all!!

Day119 – Cloud Nine Feeling

This morning was church, and it was ok. I don’t know what my problem is but with God’s help I’ll figure it out.

Mitchell/McDaniel/Phillip all got sick between last night and this morning so they stayed home with Aunt Katrina who also got sick.

My day was pretty boring with all of us watching movies and lounging about and then at 2104 (aka 9:04pm), I got a text message from Zack who I haven’t heard from in 2 weeks. I felt like I was on Cloud Nine and was actually giddy. Well, I have a long day tomorrow. Let’s see if I’ll get any sleep.


Today was freezing cold!!!

I got up freakishly early, in my opinion at least. Took Stuart up to Raleigh for his Scout Camp interview. Came home, made brownies for the bake sale and then went out to the bake sale. As I mentioned before, it was cold and we froze out butts off but it was worth it as we made close to $1000 in 7hrs. After the bake sale, I came back home and got ready for the dinner theatre that I was going to with my grandparents.

Dinner theatre was amazing!! I enjoyed the food and the show was hysterical!! After the show, I had my first freshly made Krispy Kreme doughnut = amaaaazzziinng!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I’m off to bed!


Not much happened this morning. Stuart went to WHHS for play  practice. McDaniel and Graham, along with the majority of the AHG girls were given the honor of doing the Pledge of Allegiance at Mike Stone’s swearing in this afternoon. It was kinda cool to be there as I had never been at a swearing in before. After that, they went to Stacey’s house to watch the Nutcracker and play some games. We played Just Dance on the Wii – amazing!! Totally had a blast doing that!!

Anyways, I’m off to bed because tomorrow is gonna be a busy day. Night y’all!


My morning was rough. I have no idea why but it was. There were so many little things that bothered me that shouldn’t have and I know I should have taken it to God but I didn’t and my whole day was ruined because I kept harping on it and fuming about it. I had to make 4 batches of fudge today which is actually a small amount compared to the amount I was making a month ago but for some reason, it just seemed to take forever.

Tonight was insanely crazy! At least it was for me. I drove my mom and my sisters to CheerXtreme, drove the older sis all the way across town for AHG, drove across town and back so younger sis can go to AHG as well, then drove back and forth to pick up Mom from CheerXtreme and then we came home. I did nothing but drive for about 3 hrs. It’s exhausting.

Still haven’t heard from Zack – keeping him in my prayers. 143


Mom had her first class teaching ASL this morning. It wasn’t too bad but there a couple of kids who are gonna be interesting to see how they do. On the way home my littlest brother threw up. We had just enough time to clean out the van before I left to take Stuart to WHHS. After dropping him off, I went to the office and helped out some. Can you believe that I leave in about 7.5 wks?! Yeah, I can’t either! When I was weighed today, I had gained a couple of pounds. Not what I wanted to hear right now. Anyways, the guys were in such a good mood that it was almost comical. When, after picking up Stuart, I made it home, I decided to go get some pics for today. I went out to the old torn down trailer, and got some cool shots, and had a really cool one set up when my battery died. I came up, grabbed my back-up only to discover that it was also dead. Darn! I’m gonna try to get the pic tomorrow. Right around bedtime, the littlest brother threw up again. Poor baby looks miserable. We don’t know why he is sick either. Hopefully he will be better tomorrow. Night y’all!


Today was rather boring. I drove Ramon around town today as he got his stuff for dinner on Friday. He is sooo anal about stuff. He has to have specific things when in reality, the generic works just fine. Oh well. Other than that, not much happened today.


Today was a pretty boring day. It was cloudy and/or raining for most of the day so we were all inside and of course, the little ones had tons of energy and nowhere to spend it. So, they were running around like crazy.

Stuart and I got into a bit of a tiff over the Wii and later we both felt bad about it. Suffice to say, the Wii is in Mom’s room til further notice. Mom has her first day of class tomorrow so, we are all heading to bed earlier than normal. Oh, and since it’s beautiful outside (as beautiful as one can get with it being cloudy) the babies are sleeping outside. Well, Night!!!


In 7 weeks, I will leave for Basic. I will no longer be my own person. I will be a part of something bigger than myself, something international and something amazing. I will be a part of America’s Navy; I will be a Sailor. So why am I so scared? Maybe it’s because I don’t feel ready. Maybe because I will be gone from my family for the longest stretch of time or maybe because… know, I don’t know why I’m scared.

Today was a good day actually. Beautiful weather, loverly lunch with the family and I got some cleaning accomplished. Zack was supposed to call from Camp Lejune today but that didn’t happen. I don’t know if it’s cause his phone died or what but I feel kinda depressed now. I’ve had the devil whispering in my ear that everything that Zack told me was a lie but we all know that the devil is the Father of lies and everything he says is a lie. I know that God has this situation in control and I’m not gonna worry about it or Zack. Well, I’m off to bed! Night!